Landscaping Maintainance
Landscaping in Bronte, Oakville
Burlington Landscaping
Summerlea , Oakville
Landscape House, Oakville
Stonework & Safety, Oakville
Lakeside House, Oakville
Pool Stonework, Oakville
Etobicoke Residence
A Natural Look, Oakville
Soften A Hardscape, Oakville
Patio Oakville
Beautiful villa, Oakville
Landscape House, Oakville
Client Overview:
Magnificent house and the owner loves spending in the garden.
Huge unorganised green patch on both sides of the house.
Plants and shrubs were removed from the patch and fresh grass was planted. Space was left in the centre to ensure the owner could enjoy the feel.
Pool Stonework, Oakville
Client Overview:
Owners wished to renovate the appearance and functioning of the area around the pool.
The linear pool required space around the top.
Extensive use of flagstones for a softer look and a slight overhang to the edge of the pool to allow maintenance but hide liner.
A Natural Look, Oakville
Client Overview:
Owners requested a natural, low-key look.
Hiding utility boxes acted as eyesores, while a Norway Maple, which had to stay, prevented other plants growing.
Hide utility boxes with natural greenery. Provide multiple shapes and shades to ensure natural, interesting features. Surround the Norway Maple with dark natural cover to highlight the beauty of the tree itself.
Soften A Hardscape, Oakville
Client Overview:
Seeking a creative, low-maintenance look for new property.
A large expanse of concrete in the front with planting area being quite far.
A small flowerbed close to the path, populate with a variety of creepers. Place a large feature pot on the path, which still allows easy access but softens and complements the stonework.
Patio Oakville
Client Overview:
Owners required stonework space for small tables and chairs.
Narrow and steep pre-fabricated steps were narrow and steep. They were dangerous while carrying trays, food, etc.
Create a tiny space with a pleasant curved shape. Add wider, shallower steps to allow easy descent even when carrying things.
Beautiful villa, Oakville
Client Overview:
A beautiful house in the midst of trees. Owner loved the place for its natural beauty and birds that frequent the place.
Sprawling uneven garden with lot of trees that make it impossible to access the house.
The branches that had been obstructing the access were chopped off and plants spaced out. The arrangement ensured enough sunlight in the garden and home.